Tianren Liu (刘天任)

Assistant Professor, CFCS, Peking University

Tianren Liu 刘天任

I joined Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies (CFCS), Peking University as an assistant professor in 2022.

Previously, I was a postdoc researcher at UW, mentored by Prof. Huijia (Rachel) Lin. I received my master and Phd degrees from MIT, where I was fortunately advised by Prof. Vinod Vaikuntanathan. I received my bachelor degree from IIIS Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. John Steinberger.

I have broad interest in cryptography and TCS in general. So far, most of my research belong to one of the following:

  • information theoretic (IT) cryptography.
    Problems such as PIR, CDS, PSM, secret sharing.
  • secure multi-party computation.
    I prefer protocols with IT "flavor".
  • garbled circuit.
    Can we beat boolean circuit size barrier from simple assumptions.
  • analysis of practical cipher from an IT perspective.
    How to argue the security of AES?
  • seperation.
    (im)possibility of basing cryptography on NP-hardness.

[CV] [dblp] [google scholar]


  • Phd Student (enroll in 2026)
    Motivated students interested in the theory of cryptography. You will need some background in cryptography and theoretical computer science (TCS) -- ideally some advanced courses and research experience.
  • Postdocs
    Postdoctoral researchers who work on the foundations of cryptography, such as information-theoretic cryptography, zero-knowledge, lattice-based cryptography, quantum cryptography.


魏罗健 Luojian Wei (Ph.D. 2023 - ongoing)
刘立强 Liqiang Liu (Ph.D. 2023 - ongoing)


How to Garble Mixed Circuits that Combine Boolean and Arithmetic Computations.
Hanjun Li, Tianren Liu
eprint, slides (中文)
SODA 2024
On Deterministically Approximating Total Variation Distance.
Weiming Feng, Liqiang Liu, Tianren Liu
arxiv, slides
Layout Graphs, Random Walks and the t-wise Independence of SPN Block Ciphers.
STOC 2023
Succinct Computational Secret Sharing.
New Ways to Garble Arithmetic Circuits.
eprint, video
Two-Round MPC without Round Collapsing Revisited -- Towards Efficient Malicious Protocols.
Tianren Liu, Huijia Lin
eprint, slides, video
The t-wise Independence of Substitution-Permutation Networks.
eprint, slides, video
TCC 2021
Multi-Party PSM, Revisited: Improved Communication and Unbalanced Communication.
Leonard Assouline, Tianren Liu
eprint, slides, video
TCC 2020
Information-Theoretic 2-Round MPC without Round Collapsing: Adaptive Security, and More.
Huijia Lin, Tianren Liu, Hoeteck Wee
eprint, download, slides, video
ITCS 2020
On the Complexity of Decomposable Randomized Encodings, or: How Friendly Can a Garbling-Friendly PRF be?
download, drops
Reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation.
eprint, slides
STOC 2018
Breaking the Circuit-Size Barrier in Secret Sharing.
Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
eprint, slides, video, poster
Towards Breaking the Exponential Barrier for General Secret Sharing.
eprint, slides
TCC 2018
On Basing Search SIVP on NP-Hardness.
Tianren Liu
Best Student Paper, eprint, slides
Conditional Disclosure of Secrets via Non-linear Reconstruction.
eprint, slides, video
Indifferentiability of Confusion-Diffusion Networks.
eprint, video
TCC 2016-A
On Basing Private Information Retrieval on NP-Hardness.
Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
eprint, slides
JAMIA 2013
An end-to-end system to identify temporal relation in discharge summaries: 2012 i2b2 challenge.
JAMIA 2013
Joint segmentation and named entity recognition using dual decomposition in Chinese discharge summaries.

Contact Me

Mail: trl@pku.edu.cn

Mail: (lastname)(firstname)@gmail.com

Skype: live:liutianren

Office Tel: +86 10 6275-0405

Office: Room 103-2, Jingyuan Courtyard No.5, Peking University
办公室: 北京大学 静园5院 103


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